Supported Charities

Children's Advocacy Center (CACDC)
The Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County is committed to a multidisciplinary response to child sexual abuse. Established in 1997, the agency coordinates with law enforcement, child protective services, medical and mental health professionals to help children and their non-offending family members seek justice and find healing." - CACDC

Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
"CASA continues to provide valuable volunteer advocacy for every abused child in this area. CASA volunteers serve as the “eyes and ears” for the judge in child welfare cases. This includes researching each child’s situation and making objective recommendations to help them reclaim their childhoods from abuse and neglect. CASA volunteers are frequently the only stable presence in these children’s lives as they navigate the foster care system." - CASA

Winning The Fight (WTF)
"WTF was developed after losing our son, Brett Morgan O’Keefe, to an accidental drug overdose. He fought and lost. We choose to be a part of Winning, not losing. Brett was well known for using the “WTF” in a kidding manner. So we used the initials and changed the meaning to something positive. Our goal is to educate. Most families will not educate themselves to the destruction of addiction until it happens to them and then it becomes necessary. They make drug use a moral issue when it is not. Our goal is to help parents realize that this can happen to normal families. This is happening in areas all over America. If no one speaks out, we cannot change the stigma and the judgment." - WTF

Special Olympics Texas (SOTX)
"The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community." - SOTX

Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Dallas Fort Worth (DFWFCA)
"Developing character and leadership values in student-athletes and coaches through scriptural-based teaching and mentoring programs while honoring those who exemplify those same principles. In turn, communities will be impacted by those who choose to be culture changers" - DFWFCA

Flower Mound Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association - Santa Cops (FMCPAAA)
"What is Santa Cops? The Flower Mound Police Department and the Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association have joined together to bring the Santa Cops program to Flower Mound. The program will collect donations and gifts and distribute them at Christmas to children in Flower Mound that might have otherwise not received a gift from "Santa." Families and their children are selected only from the Flower Mound community." - FMCPAAA

Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP)
When a police officer is killed, it's not an agency that loses an officer, it's an entire nation." - Chris Cosgriff, ODMP Founder

National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial Fund (NLEOMF)
"The mission of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is to generate increased public support for the law enforcement profession by permanently recording and appropriately commemorating the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers; and to provide information that will help promote law enforcement safety." - NLEOMF

9-99 Foundation
"The National 9-99 Police and Sheriff Foundation raises funds for injured or fallen officers and their families, invests in K9 safety and training, and provides counseling and mental health resources to all officers in need." - 9-99